Academics » High School Courses

High School Courses

9 TN-C25H08-Career Planning and Development 
9 TN-G01H09-English Language Arts 9
9 TN-G02H19-Integrated Math I
9 TN-G03H00-Physical Science
9 TN-G04H12-U.S. Government 
9 TN-G05HC8-Art History I 
9 TN-G08H02-Foundations of Personal Wellness 
10 TN-G01H10--English Language Arts 10
10 TN-G02H20-Integrated Math II
10 TN-G03H03-Biology
10 TN-G04H14-Sociology 
10 TN-G08H00-10-Healthy Living 
10 TN-G24H04-Spanish I 
10 TN-G24H05-Spanish II 
11 TN-G01H11-English Language Arts 11
11 TN-G02H21-Integrated Math III
11 TN-G03H12-Chemistry
11 TN-G04H11-U.S. History 
11 TN-G04H15 Psychology 
12 TN-G01H00-Advanced Creative Writing
12 TN-G01H13-English Language Arts 12
12 TN-G02H23-Precalculus*
12 TN-G02H37-Statistics*
12 TN-G02H41-Bridge Math*
12 TN-G03H20 Physics
12 TN-G04H10-Survey of World History 
12 TN-G04H13-Economics 
12 TN-G04H36-Personal Finance 
  *One math will be taken senior year